Saturday 23 February 2019

Ethical and Unethical Behaviour at Workplace |

Ethical Behaviour Within the Work Place:
Ethical behaviour is behaviour that is appropriate. It is based on morals. Ethical behaviour is the right way to behave. It is choosing the right and good. Ethical behaviour is when someone is being on his or her best behaviour. All of their actions and words are following good moral principles.


People enjoy being around others who have a good ethical behaviour. It is the behaviour that is morally accepted as ‘good’, ‘right’ in a particular setting.

They have set out the rules and regulations that need to be adhered to by those in their employ. This is mainly because an individual’s conduct can affect the relationships within an organization, thereby taking a negative toll on the overall performance of an organization.

Unethical Behaviour Within the Work Place:

Unethical behaviour is any action that is aimed at taking advantage of another without their knowledge or consent. It can also be defined as manipulating someone without his or her permission.


Unethical behaviour is a way of acting that society disapproves of. It is the behaviour that is ‘bad’; ‘wrong’ in a particular setting. Profuse languages, acting violent towards others are some examples of unethical behaviour.

Examples of Unethical Behaviour at Workplace:

Unethical behaviour in the workplace can take many forms.

Some of the examples are:

a. Some employees may pass off the work of others as their own.


b. Others may misrepresent themselves as a way to convince others to buy a product or service that they are selling.


c. Others may lie about their expenses in order to get a larger

reimbursement check from their employer every month.


Ethical and Unethical Behaviour at Workplace |

Ethical Behaviour Within the Work Place: Ethical behaviour is behaviour that is appropriate. It is based on morals. Ethical behaviour is t...